Monday, May 16, 2011


I have so many things I need to get done. I have been so lazy lately since it is officially summer for me. I only have about two weeks of summer before Summer 1 starts. I did so good this semester 3.66 gpa, I guess neglecting friends so I could study Russian Culture, and Politics paid off. I haven't even really been to work much, why am I so lazy. I plan on keeping up with this blog even if it will be the death of me. Many days I have interesting things to talk about it but I'm to lazy to type them up. I'm taking my laptop to work tomorrow so I can update this blog in the open air.

I've been trying to bake the perfect chocolate souffles but they turned out so crappy. I will reattempt to make them tomorrow. I called my mom and dad and they both gave me some pointers. I really want a cool set of vintage dessert dishes and tea cups. Maybe something in Carnival Glass, I love how it's so whimsical and colorful. My dad had a large collection of Carnival Glass so maybe it's something we could do together even though he lives 300 miles away from me.

Also I saw Bridesmaids this weekend and I actually laughed very loud. I am a big fan of Maya Rudolph. In my younger years (The early 2000's) I wanted to be her, I mean she is beautiful, extremely talented, and incredibly funny. Sadly to say I took the non comedic route of life. I want to be on SNL someday

Also since this semester is over I was able to finally have enough free time to read books that were gifts from Christmas 2010. ( Yes I am that behind on my leisure readings) of the books I choose to read first was Palo Alto, a collection of short stories written by James Franco.
I picked that one because it is by far one of the shortest books in my library and my brother borrowed it and read it and said he enjoyed it. Jermey and I have similar tastes so I thought I would enjoy it. I'm actually still not sure about this one, it's not a literary masterpiece or anything, but it is motivation for me to finish my short stories and possibly submit them to something somewhere and get them published.

Random, I bought the coolest vintage belts for about a buck a piece, I'll take a picture with the outfits I choose to where them with.

Also I've been getting compliments about my hair, which I will be changing in a bit. It's been coined that I'm sort of hippie chic. Several people have told me this...

I don't know... I'm not very hippie like, but I guess it's better than being labled a hipster by random people. I mean yes I love faux glasses, TOMS, skinny jeans, hats, and Mumford & Sons but that doesn't make me a hipster... right???

I'm currently soaking beans in a bowl for some red beans and rice for tomorrow... I'm so Cajun
I need to finish the dishes from all of the failed souffles

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